Imagine this is YOUR website.

No doubt it’s a BEAUTIFUL website with lots of information for your prospects, about you and your services.

But, unfortunately, your visitors click away and never contact you.

Most business owners will reluctantly admit that, for all the time and money they’ve poured into it, their website doesn’t actually bring in new clients, patients, or customers.

If only there was a way to engage with visitors.
(Especially the “Tomorrow” customers who aren’t ready to buy, just yet.)

What if you could offer them something, which exactly fits their situation?

Imagine if I wrote it for you, then offered it to your website visitors… using an “overlay” so it has NO impact on your website design.

And just like magic, that’s exactly what appears!

It might be called:

  • “The Top 5 Mistakes Home Buyers Make”
  • “How To Choose The Right Lighting For Different Rooms”
  • “The Five Important Questions To Ask When Choosing a House Painter”
  • “4 Key Steps to a Pain-free Divorce”
  • “Seven Secret ‘Insider Tips’ For When You’re Moving Home” or
  • “3 Things You Need to Know About Tax Before Hiring an Accountant”

It’s something your ideal client really wants to know. That’s why I call this a “Client Qualifying Filter” – your best prospects will self-identify.

And then you’ll continue to provide value to them, with ongoing advice and helpful tips delivered by an automated sequence of emails confirming your authority and expertise.

Convert Website Visitors into New Sales

These are prospects you don’t have now, and a well-designed funnel can turn them into buyers.

When you educate them the right way – in the right sequence, and using the right tools – you’ll have a repeatable success system, which you can put on autopilot for months and years to come.

This completely automated process builds trust and confidence, attracting all of the right kind of customers for your business. And none of the wrong kind.

Tell me where to send it, then check your inbox for the Free Guide. You’ll learn how to get your website finally doing its job: bringing new customers to your business!

(P.S.  YES, this works on mobile devices, too.)